Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 12
NetBeans and Java EE 7
The NetBeans IDE has been completely overhauled for support of Java EE 7 and its APIs. For years, enterprise
application development has been made easier by NetBeans and other IDEs because of their abstraction of tedious
tasks. Capabilities such as auto-completion, syntax coloring, and compilation and CLASSPATH management make
the use of IDEs a nearly essential ingredient for any developer's productivity. The latest releases of NetBeans aid in the
development of Java EE 7 applications by providing mainstream support for the newer APIs, adding wizards to help
configure applications for use with new features such as faces flows, and automatic bundling of newer libraries.
Configuring Application Servers
Before you can associate application projects with a server for deployment and testing, you need to configure one
or more application servers for use within NetBeans. Please note that it is a good practice to only configure those
application servers that are used for application development and testing purposes within NetBeans.
To add a local or remote server to NetBeans, perform the following tasks.
Navigate to the “Services” window, and right-click on the “Servers” menu selection. Click
on “Add Server” as shown in Figure 12-1 .
Figure 12-1. Add Server to NetBeans IDE
When the “Add Server Instance” dialog appears, choose the server type that you wish to add.
(Figure 12-2 )
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