Java Reference
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Figure 11-6. New Managed Thread Factory panel
As mentioned in the example, an application can make use of a ManagedThreadFactory resource by configuring
XML within the web.xml deployment descriptor, or by injecting via the @Resource annotation within the classes that
need to make use of the resource. Once that resource has been injected, calls can be made against it to spawn new
threads using the newThread method. The newThread method returns a Thread instance, which can then be utilized
by calling the Thread instance methods, as needed. In the example, the thread is started by calling the thread's start
method, and when the context is destroyed, the thread's interrupt method is invoked.
To utilize a ManagedThreadFactory , the environment must be configured via XML or annotation. To utilize XML
configuration, add a <resource-env-ref> element to the web.xml deployment descriptor. In this case, you need to
configure a resource of type javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory , as shown in the excerpt from
the web.xml below:
To utilize annotations rather than XML configuration, the ManagedThreadFactory can be injected using an
annotation such as the following:
ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory;
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