Java Reference
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@Resource(name = "concurrent/BuilderExecutor")
ManagedExecutorService mes;
Once the application has been configured to work with the ManagedExecutorService resource, you can
create task classes for each of the different tasks that you wish to run. Each task class must implement the
javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask interfaces. The following code is from the file org.javaee7.chapter11. , and it shows what a task class should look like.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask;
import javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener;
* @author Juneau
public class EmployeeTask implements Callable<EmployeeInfo>, ManagedTask {
// The ID of the request to report on demand.
BigDecimal employeeId;
EmployeeInfo employeeInfo;
Map<String, String> execProps;
public EmployeeTask(BigDecimal id) {
this.employeeId = id;
execProps = new HashMap<>();
execProps.put(ManagedTask.IDENTITY_NAME, getIdentityName());
public EmployeeInfo call() {
// Find the entity bean and return it to the client.
return employeeInfo;
public String getIdentityName() {
return "EmployeeTask: AuthorID=" + employeeId;
public Map<String, String> getExecutionProperties() {
return execProps;
public String getIdentityDescription(Locale locale) {
// Use a resource bundle...
return "EmployeeTask asynchronous EJB invoker";
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