Database Reference
In-Depth Information
create keyspace if not exists twitter with
replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy',
: 3};
Drop the keyspace twitter if it exists:
drop keyspace if exists twitter;
Create a table users if it doesn't exist:
create table if not exists users(user_id
text,followers set<text>, tweet_date timestamp,
tweet_body text, first_name text, PRIMARY
KEY(user_id,tweet_date, first_name));
Drop the table users if it exists:
drop table if exists users;
Create an index over column first_name on the users table if it
doesn't exist:
create index if not exists users_first_name_idx
on users(first_name);
Drop the index users_first_name_idx if it exists:
drop index if exists users_first_name_idx;
With this chapter we have discussed data modeling and indexing concepts and their use
in Cassandra. To summarize, a few points are worth reiterating:
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