Database Reference
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Thinner rows distributed across multiple nodes in a cluster work fine with added sec-
ondary index support. Still applications may require applying sorting order on fetched
rows. Implementing such sorting mechanisms at the client side with a massive amount
of data is clearly not desirable. Applications would rely on a database for such sup-
In version 1.1 onward, Cassandra provides support for sorted wide rows via com-
posite columns. Sorted wide rows mean more columns in place of skinny rows, which
allows more data to be stored in a colocated way.
Let's explore it with the same Twitter example, where the user and their tweets
should be stored locally and need to be sorted by tweet_date .
First, let's create a keyspace twitter and column family users :
create keyspace twitter with replication =
use twitter;
create table users(user_id text,followers
set<text>, tweet_date timestamp, tweet_body
text, first_name text, PRIMARY
KEY(user_id,tweet_date, first_name));
Here for users the table contains a composite primary key with
user_id , tweet_date and first_name .
Let's store a few columns in the users column family for user_id 'im-
vivek' :
// insert records for 'imvivek'
insert into
values('imvivek','2013-12-31','good bye
insert into
insert into
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