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Figure 1-9 . The ring status
Configuring Multiple Nodes over Amazon EC2
Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud (Amazon EC2), one of the important parts of
Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud computing platform. AWS offers you to choose OS
platform and provides required hardware support over the cloud, which allows you to
quickly set up and deploy application over the cloud computing platform. To learn
more about Amazon ec2 setup please refer to .
In this section, we will learn about how to configure multiple Cassandra nodes over
Amazon EC2. To do so, follow these steps.
First let's launch 2 instances of AMI (ami-00730969), as shown in
Figure 1-10 .
Figure 1-10 . Ec2 console display with 2 instances in running state
Modify security group to enable 9160, 7000, and 7199 ports, as in
Figure 1-11 .
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