Database Reference
In-Depth Information
After successfully connecting to CassandraDaemon process, click on the MBeans
tab to look into registered message beans. Figure 1-7 depicts changing the log level for
classes within the org.apache.cassandra.db package to INFO level.
Figure 1-7 . Changing the log level via jconsole Mbeans setting
Note Please refer to
apidocs/org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout.html for more information
on logging patterns.
Understanding Cassandra Configuration
The primary Cassandra configuration file is Cassandra.yaml , which is available
within the $CASSSANDRA_HOME/conf folder. Roughly there are approximately 100
properties. Table 1-1 consists of a subset of such properties, which are helpful for Cas-
sandra beginners and worth mentioning.
Table 1-1 . Important Cassandra server properties
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