Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Server logs are generated and appended on a location defined as prop-
erty log4j.appender.R.File value. The default value is /var/
log/cassandra/system . User can overwrite the property file for
default location
og4j.appender.R.maxFileSize defines the maximum log file
The log4j.appender.R.maxBackupIndex property defines the
maximum rolling log file (default 50).
The Log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern prop-
erty defines logging pattern for log files.
Last line in the file is for application
logging in case of thrift connection with Cassandra. By default it's com-
mented out to avoid unnecessary logging on frequent socket disconnec-
Application Logging Options
By default, Cassandra API level logging is disabled. But we can enable and change log
level to log more application level information. Many times applications may need to
enable Cassandra-specific server-side logging to troubleshoot the problems. The fol-
lowing code depicts the section that can be used for application-specific logging.
# Application logging options
Changing Log Properties
There are two possible ways for configuring log properties. First, we can modify and second, via JMX (Java Management Exten-
sion), using jconsole. The difference between both of them is, using the latter can
change the logging level dynamically at run time, while the first one is static.
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