Database Reference
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Datacenter: datacenter1
Address Rack Status State Load
Owns Token rack1 Up Normal 77.55 KB
66.67% -3074457345618258604 rack1 Up Normal 35.79 KB
66.67% -9223372036854775808 rack1 Up Normal 45.05 KB
33.33% -3074457345618258603 rack1 Up Normal 61.28 KB
33.33% 3074457345618258602
Here the ring command prints each node's status and the assigned tokens for each
Cassandra node. The output shows the data nodes' IP addresses, their statuses, and rack
The Address column shows the nodes' URL or IP address.
The Rack column contains rack information.
If the nodes are live and are part of the cluster ring, their status will be
Up ; otherwise, it will be Down .
Possible values for State are Normal , Leaving , Joining, and
Moving .
If a data node is part of cluster ring it will be shown with status as
Normal .
If a node is getting decommissioned, then it will have an intermediate
state of Leaving .
The status will be Moving if the node has been moved to another
token value.
The Load column displays the current data load on each node. This in-
formation is important from an administration perspective as load and
ownership (the Owns column) information show whether the ring is in a
balanced state.
The Token column shows the assigned token, which is a token range.
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