Database Reference
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local-cluster/node1$ tools/bin/token-generator
Token Generator Interactive Mode
How many datacenters will participate in
this Cassandra cluster? 1
How many nodes are in datacenter #1? 3
DC #1:
#1: 0
Node #2:
Node #3:
Here software/local-cluster/node1 stands for
$CASSANDRA_HOME . If you choose to use Murmur3Partition-
er , you can generate token values by executing the following com-
python -c 'print [str(((2**64 / 3) * i) -
2**63) for i in range(3)]'
It would give this output:
'-3074457345618258603', '3074457345618258602']
The next step is to configure three nodes for cluster setup. For de-
tailed instruction about how to set this up, please refer to the “Config-
uring Multiple Nodes over a Single Machine” section in Chapter 1 . In
brief, we need to modify configurations such as listen_address ,
rpc_port , jmx_port , the data directory, the commit-log direct-
ory, and native_protocol in corresponding Cassandra.yaml.
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