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Let's create vertices for user and tweet:
gremlin> vivs = graph.addVertex(null)
gremlin> vivs.setProperty("fname", "vivek")
gremlin> vivs.setProperty("lname", "mishra")
gremlin> vivs.setProperty("twitter_tag",
gremlin> graph.V("fname","vivek")
gremlin> tweet = graph.addVertex(null)
Next, add an edge between these two vertices:
gremlin> graph.addEdge(null, vivs, tweet,
Let's add apress_team as a user and establish and define “vivek
follows apress_team” relationship edge:
gremlin> apress = graph.addVertex(null)
gremlin> apress.setProperty("fname", "apress")
gremlin> apress.setProperty("twitter_tag",
gremlin> graph.addEdge(null, vivs, apress,
We can find a vertex by its key as follows:
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