Database Reference
In-Depth Information
TitanGraph g ="/home/vivek/
Vertex mevivs = g.addVertex(null); //Implicitly
wraps within transaction
mevivs.setProperty("fname", "vivek");
g.commit(); //Commits transaction
} catch (TitanException e) {
//configure explicit retry or fast-fail scenarios.
These are the Titan basic concepts and its architecture. Next, we will cover setup
and installation of Titan Graph database.
Setup and Installation
We can download the latest Titan distribution from
thinkaurelius/titan/wiki/Downloads . The latest version at the time of
writing is 0.5.0. After downloading the distribution, extract it to a local folder. We will
be referring to the TITAN_HOME variable at many places in this chapter. We can set it
as follows:
export TITAN_HOME=/home/vivek/software/titan
Command-line Tools and Clients
With setup and installation in place, the first question that comes to mind is whether
there are any command-line clients? Like the CQL shell for Cassandra, is there any op-
tion available with Titan for server-side scripting and quick analysis? Gremlin shell and
Rexster are two command-line options we will be exploring in this section.
Gremlin Shell
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