Database Reference
In-Depth Information
HDFS Data Loading
We can also load from HDFS in a Hive-managed table using the load data com-
mand. Let's explore this part with a simple exercise:
Let's put the tweets file on HDFS using the put command:
bin/hadoop fs -put /home/vivek/Documents/
We can load data directly to the HDFS directory using the load
command as follows:
load data inpath '/usr/vivek/employee_store/
' overwrite into table
employee ;
The difference here is that it is load data inpath in place of
load data local inpath , which allows mapping from file
path to HDFS directory (e.g., /usr/vivek/employee_store/
infile ).
Finally, we can explore inserted data (see Figure 6-17 ):
select * from employee;
We can also use conditional queries such as fetching employees by
name (see Figure 6-18 ):
select * from employee where fname = 'vivek';
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