Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In this section, we will discuss the Hive setup, its execution modes, and integration
with Cassandra.
Setup and Configuration
To set up Hive in MapReduce mode, we need to configure Hadoop installation for a
few steps. Please note, you may refer to Chapter 5 for more details about MapReduce
and Hadoop.
With Hadoop, make sure that JAVA_HOME is configured properly.
You may configure it by modifying $HADOOP_HOME/conf/ and add JAVA_HOME to point jdk installation
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
Start the Hadoop installation by running
Please make sure that the name node is properly formatted. Please
refer to Chapter 5 for more details. If you're getting error such as
connect to host localhost port 22: Connection
you need to install an SSH server on your box. For Ubuntu boxes,
you can install it by running sudo apt-get install
openssh-server .
After this, please verify that all Hadoop processes are running prop-
erly ( Figure 6-14 ).
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