Database Reference
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Let's create anotherkeyspace and a privileges table under it with the
name privileges :
// create keyspace.
create keyspace anotherkeyspace with
replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy' ,
'replication_factor' : 3};
// create table.
create table privileges (user_id text PRIMARY
KEY, read_write boolean);
Let's grant all permissions on the privileges table to normaluser :
grant all on table anotherkeyspace.privileges
to normaluser;
Now, let's list all normaluser permissions again (see Figure 4-12 ) .
// list all permissions.
list all permissions of normaluser;
Figure 4-12 . The new list of permissions for normaluser
Next, let's grant all permissions on all keyspaces to superuser :
grant select on all keyspaces to 'superuser';
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