Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
• Linux : Binaries for GDAL and OGR are available from the GDAL
website. 11 For Linux, check for the current packages, and install
using your package manager. If you don't find current binaries for
your Linux distribution, then you will have to build from source
or install FWTools (Section B.7 , FWTools).
• Mac OS X : Binaries frameworks are available from the Kyng Chaos
website. 12 Just download and install the . dmg per the instructions
found in the ReadMe.rtf .
• Windows: Binaries and plugins for Windows are available from the
OSGeo download site. 13 Download the latest version and extract it
to a directory in your path.
For Linux and Windows, you may find that FWTools is a better way to
go—you get GDAL/OGR as well as a bunch of other handy applications.
FWTools is an open source GIS binary kit for Linux and Windows. It
includes GDAL/OGR, the projections library PROJ4, MapServer, and
Python, among others. It's a complete runtime environment with no ex-
ternal dependencies. Install it, and you are ready to use all the included
applications and utilities.
To install FWTools, do the following:
• Linux : Download and untar the distribution, change to the FWTools
directory, and execute the script. Once it's complete, you'll
need to add the bin_safe directory to your path.
• Windows: Download the installer and run it, and then follow the
instructions to complete the installation. The installation creates
a shortcut to start an FWTools shell from which you can use the
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