Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Installing OpenJUMP consists of the following:
1. Downloading the distribution ZIP file
2. Unzipping the distribution
3. Running the start-up script in the bin directory
In reality, there are some tweaks needed to get things working with your
operating system. Your best bet is to refer to the install instructions on
the OpenJUMP website 3 after unzipping the distribution for the latest
information on getting things up and running.
Quantum GIS
For QGIS, you will find packages for the major platforms, including
Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows on the download site. 4
To install on
each platform, do the following:
• Mac OS X : Mount the disk image (. dmg ), and drag QGIS to your
Applications folder.
• Windows: Run the installer, and follow the instructions to install
• Linux : If you find a package ( rpm , deb ) for your Linux distribu-
tion, just download and install it. If not, you will have to compile
QGIS and its dependencies. Information on building from source
is available on the QGIS website. 5
QGIS depends on a number of other OSGIS packages. When installing
on Mac OS X and Windows, these are bundled for you in the package.
On Linux and other *nix platforms, you will need to install the depen-
dencies prior to installing or building QGIS. For distributions that have
a package manager, this is usually not a difficult task. It's best to look
around before building dependencies from scratch to see whether pack-
ages or builds for your operating system are available.
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