Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Now let's quickly test the GeoRuby install using the following script to
create a point and print it out in WKT format:
require 'rubygems'
require 'geo_ruby'
include GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures
p = Point.from_x_y(-151.25,61.75)
puts p.as_wkt
The output from the script is a whopping:
POINT(-151.25 61.75)
Although not very earth-shattering, it proves we have the environment
set up right and now can move on to doing something useful with our
PostgreSQL data and Ruby.
Remember in Section 8.2 , Importing Data, on page 122 , where we wrote
a little script to prepare the historic earthquake data for import? Well,
we're going to modify that a bit and use it to load the earthquake data
directly into PostGIS. Here's the script with the new bits added in:
Download load_earthquakes.rb
Line 1
require 'rubygems'
require 'postgres-pr/connection'
require 'geo_ruby'
include GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures
# load earthquake data into PostGIS
conn ='gis_data',
# create the database table
conn.query('create table quake_demo (id int4 primary key, event_date date,' +
'event_time varchar(10), latitude float, longitude float, depth float,' +
'magnitude float, geom geometry)')
# Open the file
f ="db_search2291")
# Skip the first two header records
# Member for the primary key
key = 0
# process the earthquake records
while not f.eof
record = f.gets
# used a fixed length approach to get the fields we want since
# splitting on white space isn't feasible
event_date = record[1..10]
event_time = record[13..22]
latitude = record[26..32]
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