Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12.7: Completed city map with water wells
Which method of GRASS editing should you use: QGIS or GRASS gis.m ?
It depends mainly on preference, how comfortable you are with the
tools, and whether you can perform all the tasks you need to from the
chosen interface. In the next section, we will take a look at the analysis
and conversion tools available in the GRASS toolbox in QGIS. This may
help you decide whether you can do most of your GRASS work in QGIS
or whether gis.m is the way to go.
Using Analysis and Conversion Tools
Creating and drawing data in GIS is just part of the picture, unless of
course all you want is a pretty map. A big part of GIS and what makes
it a powerful tool is the ability to do analysis of spatial relationships.
In this section, we plan to take a look at some of the tools available
in the QGIS GRASS toolbox that allow you to do both conversion and
analysis. But before we go there, let's complete our look at the GRASS
Tools dialog box.
We got our first look at the toolbox back in Figure 12.2 , on page 210 .
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