Geography Reference
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Figure 10.3: Hillshade with no exaggeration (left) and 4X exaggeration
some vertical exaggeration, and then we'll compare:
GRASS 6.2.2 (albers_c6):~ > r.shaded.relief map=ancc6_dem \
shadedmap=ancc6_shade2 zmult=4
Calculating shading, please stand by.
Color table for [ancc6_shade2] set to grey
Shaded relief map created and named [ancc6_shade2].
Now we have an “out-of-the-box” hillshade and one with exaggerated
relief (four times). In Figure 10.3 , you can see the two side by side, with
the default hillshade on the left and the 4X exaggeration on the right.
I'll leave it up to you to decide which looks better.
Colorizing the Hillshade
A gray hillshade is nice but a bit boring. Let's look at how to make our
hillshade nicely colored and even export it to a georeferenced TIFF. The
process consists of two steps: colorizing the DEM and combining it with
the hillshade to make the final product.
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