Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10
It's often not enough to have data and look at it. We almost always
want to do some sort of manipulation or processing. This is where geo-
processing comes in. We'll use the broad definition of geoprocessing
to include any kind of data manipulation and analysis. To some extent,
you could consider importing data as a geoprocessing operation. In this
chapter, we'll look at some other operations to include the following:
• Projection
• Line-of-sight analysis
• Watershed modeling
• Hillshading
• Clipping features
• More complex importing
• Grid algebra
If you are wondering what tools are available in the OSGIS stack to
accomplish these tasks, for the most part you'll find the answer is
GRASS. Although some of the other desktop tools provide various levels
of support for a few types of operations, for the most part you'll need
GRASS. The goal in this chapter is not to instruct you in the use of all
the GRASS geoprocessing tools but rather to introduce you by way of
example to the possibilities.
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