Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.2: Loading shapefiles into PostGIS using SPIT
Let's take a look at each of the items SPIT requires:
PostgreSQL Connections
The drop-down box lists all the connections you have defined. You
can also create a new connection if you don't have one already. You
can also edit the connection selected in the drop-down if things
aren't quite right. Note that you don't explicitly have to connect.
When SPIT starts up, it automatically connects to the database in
the drop-down list.
Shapefile List
This panel provides three buttons to manage the list of shapefiles
to be loaded. The list is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
You can add one or more shapefiles by clicking the Add button
and selecting the file(s) from the file dialog box. You can remove
a single shapefile from the list by clicking it to select it and then
using the Remove button. The Remove All button does as it says
and empties the list of shapefiles.
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