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random processing times p i [ p i ,p i ] . The integer center C of a segment
[ p i ,p i ]
[ L,U ] : L ≤ C ≤ U .The
was generated using the uniform distribution in the range
lower bound p i
for the possible job processing time p i [ p i ,p i ]
was defined as
p i
= C · (1
100 ) , the upper bound p i
of p i [ p i ,p i ]
was defined as p i
100 ) . The same range [ L,U ] for the varying center C of the segment [ p i ,p i ]
was used for all jobs J i ∈J
C · (1 +
, namely: L =1 and U = 100 .InTables2-4,we
report computational results for the series of instances of the problem 1 |p i
≤ p i
p i | w i C i with the maximal possible errors δ % of the job processing times from the
{ 0 . 25% , 0 . 4% , 0 . 5% , 0 . 75% , 1% , 2 . 5% , 5% , 15% , 25% }
, the weight w i ∈ R +
was uniformly distributed in the range
[1 , 50] . It should be noted that the job weights w i were assumed to be known before
scheduling (in contrast to the actual processing times p i
For each job J i ∈J
of the jobs J i ∈J, which
were assumed to be unknown before scheduling).
The number n of jobs in each instance of a series is given in column 1 of Table 2,
Table 3 and Table 4. The maximum possible error δ % of the random processing times
p i [ p i ,p i ] is given in column 2. Column 3 represents the average relative number
of the arcs in the dominance digraph ( J , A ) constructed using condition (3) of Theorem
1. The relative number
is calculated in percentages of the number of arcs in the
complete circuit-free digraph of order n as follows:
n ( n− 1)
|A| :
· 100% . Column 4
represents the average dimension
|N t |
of the stability box
SB ( π t ,T ) of the permutation
π t with the largest relative volume of a stability box.
is equal to the number of
jobs with a non-zero maximal possible variation of the processing time preserving the
optimality of permutation π t ∈ S max . Column 5 represents the average relative volume
of the stability box
|N k |
SB ( π t ,T ) of the permutations π t with the largest dimension and
relative volume of a stability box. If
SB ( π t ,T )= T for all instances in the series, then
column 5 contains the number one.
In the experiments, we answered the question of how large the relative error Δ of the
objective function γ = i =1 w i C i was for the permutation π t ∈ S max with the largest
dimension and relative volume of a stability box
SB ( π t ,T ) :
γ p − γ p
γ p
Δ =
where p is the actual scenario (unknown before scheduling), γ p is the optimal objec-
tive function value for the scenario p ∈ T and γ p = i =1 w i C i ( π t ,p ) .
Column 6 represents the number of instances (among the 100 instances in a series)
for which a permutation π t with the largest dimension and relative volume of the sta-
bility box
SB ( π t ,T ) provides an optimal solution for the instance 1 |p | w i C i with
the actual processing times p =( p 1 ,p 2 ,...,p n ) ∈ T .
From the experiments, it follows that, if the maximal possible error of the processing
times is not greater than 0 . 4% , then the dominance digraph ( J , A ) is a complete circuit-
free digraph. Therefore, the permutation π t ∈ S max provides an optimal solution for
such an instance 1 |p | w i C i .
The average (maximum) relative error Δ of the objective function value γ p calcu-
lated for the permutation π t ∈ S max constructed by the algorithm MAX-STABOX with
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