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y i = j c j
(|x i -x j |),
where y i =f(x i ). The solution can be found by direct inversion of the moderately sized
Nexp*Nexp system matrix
(|x i -x j |). The result can be written in a form of
weighted sum f(x)= i w i (x)y i , with the weights
Φ ij =
w i (x)= j Φ
(|x-x j |).
A suitable choice for the RBF, providing non-degeneracy of
-matrix for all finite
datasets of distinct points and all dimensions n, is the multi-quadric function [5]
(r)=(b 2 +r 2 ) 1/2 , where b is a constant defining smoothness of the function near data
point x=x i . RBF interpolation can also be combined with polynomial detrending,
adding a polynomial part p():
f(x)= i=1..Nexp c i
(|x-x i |)+p(x).
This allows reconstructing exactly polynomial (including linear) dependencies and
generally improving precision of interpolation. The precision can be controlled via the
following cross-validation procedure: the data point is removed, data are interpolated
to this point and compared with the actual value at this point. For an RBF metamodel
this procedure leads to a direct formula [13-15]
err i = f interpol (x i )-f actual (x i ) = -c i /(
) ii .
Specifics of Bulky Data: although RBF metamodel is directly applicable for
interpolation of multidimensional data, it contains one matrix-vector multiplication
f(x)=yw(x), comprising O(mNexp) floating point operations per every interpolation.
Here y ij , i=1..m, j=1..Nexp is the data matrix, where every column forms one
experiment, every row forms a data item varied in experiments.
Dimensional reduction technique applicable for acceleration of this computation is
provided by principal component analysis (PCA). At first, an average value is row-
wise subtracted, forming centered data matrix dy ij = y ij - <y i >. For this matrix a
singular value decomposition (SVD) is written: dy=U
V T , where
is a diagonal
matrix of size Nexp*Nexp, U is a column-orthogonal matrix of size m*Nexp, V an
orthogonal square matrix of size Nexp*Nexp:
U T U=1, V T V=VV T =1.
A computationally efficient method [14] for this decomposition in the case m>>Nexp
is to find Gram matrix G=dy T dy, to perform its spectral decomposition G=V
2 V T ,
and to compute the remaining U-matrix with post-multiplication U=dyV
. The
values are non-negative and sorted in non-ascending order. If all these values in the
range k>Nmod are omitted (set to zero), the resulting reconstruction of y-matrix will
have a deviation
y. L 2 -norm of this deviation gives
err 2 =  ij
y ij 2 =  k>Nmod
(Parseval's criterion). This formula allows controlling precision of reconstructed y-
matrix. Usually
k rapidly decreases with k, and a few first
values give sufficient
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