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( rule R3 ), the Acts (with their related Execution Settings ) associated to the Player
SAgent from the Tasks and associated Composition Task Rules composing the Beha-
vior of the Player ( rule R4 ).
Table 1. Indentified tasks
Task Id
Task Name
The player can move to a feasible cell of the Grid .
If the von Neumann neighborhood (of range 1) of the player is not empty the
player communicates its strategy to its randomly selected opponent player.
Update Age
The player age is incremented by 1.
If the player's wealth level w is greater than the threshold w b a new child
player can be created in a feasible cell of its parent and endowed with w 0 and
the same strategy of the parent (unless a mutation with rate m occurs). The
wealth level of the parent player is decremented by w 0 .
If the wealth level of the player is negative or its age is greater than age max the
player is removed from the Grid .
When the strategy of an opponent player is provided the player strategy is
communicated to the opponent and the earned payoff is added to the player's
wealth level.
Accept Dare
Update Wealth
If the strategy of an opponent player is provided the earned payoff is added to
the player's wealth level
[a vaila ble
cell found]
Selec t an a v aila b le c ell in t h e
von Neuma nn neig hborho od
of range 1
Move to the
selected cell
[ wea lt h <0 | |
age > max age ]
(T1) Walk
(T5) Die
pla yer found]
Select an opponent p layer
in th von Neumann
neighborhood of range 1
Sen d my St rat e g y
to the opponent player
Send my Strategy
to the opponent player
Rec eive th e St rat egy
of an opponent player
Wea lth Level
(T2) Challenge
(T6) Accept Dare
Increment age
by one
We alth Leve l
Receive the Strategy
of an opponent player
(T3) Update Age
(T7) Update Wealth Level
Set the wealth level of the
n e w ag e n t to t h e in it ia l
wealth level w0
De crements my wealth
leve l of w0
[els e]
[ wealth level greater than
repruduction threshold]
Se lect a n ava ilable ce ll in
th e von Neumann
neighborhood of range 1
Create a new
Player Agent
Set the s trategy
of the crea ted
agen t to mine
[e ls e ]
[availab le
ce ll found]
[else ]
Compute a random value v
belonging to the interval [0,1]
Mutate strategy of
the crea ted age nt
[v<=mutation rate]
(T4) Fission
Fig. 6. The UML activity diagrams of the Player Agent tasks
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