Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Static Friction
n Type: Friction
n Intent: A drain automatically consumes resources produced by the player.
n Motivation: The static friction pattern counters a production mechanism by
periodically consuming resources. The rate of consumption can be constant or sub-
jected to randomness.
Use static friction when:
n You want to create a mechanism that counters production but can eventually be
overcome by the players.
n You want to exaggerate the long-term benefits from investing in upgrades for a
dynamic engine .
n A resource: energy
n A static drain that consumes energy
n A production mechanism that pro-
duces energy
n Other actions that consume energy
The production mechanism produces energy that players need to use to perform
actions. The static drain consumes energy outside players' direct control.
The static friction pattern is a relatively simple way to counter positive feedback
created by engine patterns. However, it tends to emphasize the long-term strategy
inherent to the dynamic engine because it reduces the initial output of the dynamic
engine but does not affect any upgrades.
An important consideration when implementing static friction is whether the con-
sumption rate is constant or subject to some sort of randomness. Constant static
friction is the easiest to understand and most predictable, whereas random static
friction can cause more noise in the dynamic behavior of the game. The latter can
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