Game Development Reference
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n Kata. During the level the player encounters a series of challenges that require
combinations of moves to overcome. For example, the player needs to jump and
shoot at the same time. At this stage, the movement patterns of enemies tend to
be deterministic and predictable. Once the player finds the right combination of
moves, that combination will work every time (during this stage).
n Kumite. The learning process is completed with a boss encounter. Boss encoun-
ters require the player to use combinations of moves in a free fight. Especially
toward the end of the game, boss behavior gets more and more difficult to predict,
requiring a greater and greater mastery of the moves by the player.
Games that use these learning principles often integrate them closely with their
mission structure. Every stage of learning becomes a subtask, or a series of subtasks,
that the player must complete to proceed. This also means that these games put more
emphasis on testing the abilities of the player. To advance past the kihon stage, the
player must prove that she is able to jump. These tests are easy to set up: Simply create
a challenge that the player cannot avoid and that requires her to use the right skill.
During the initial stages, it's best to keep the levels simple and safe to build player
confidence. During later stages you can increase the risk. These learning principles
work best with fairly linear missions, or at least missions in which you have made
sure that the player can face only tasks from later stages after she has completed the
tasks of the early stages.
FIGURe 10.13 structure of the “Forest Temple” mission
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