Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Goals in machinations diaGrams
machinations diagrams use end condition elements to simulate goals in games. how
you define these goals can have a dramatic effect on the gameplay. For example, the
target number of energy points needed to win the harvester game determines the ideal
number of harvesters to build. (We introduced the harvester game in the section “Use
randomness to counter dominant strategies” in chapter 6, “common mechanics.”) if you
were to change the goal of the harvester game from a target number of energy points to
a target number of harvesters instead, it would create a different dynamic in which all
the players try to build harvesters as fast as possible (which doesn't necessarily consti-
tute better gameplay).
In games of progression, goals also tend to be simple: find the treasure, rescue
Princess Peach (again), or defeat the evil wizard. However, in progression games,
achieving the victory condition requires the player to achieve many subgoals first.
Players progress from goal to goal until they can try to complete the final goal.
Compared with games of emergence, performing the action necessary to win the
game might not be all that difficult, but there are many more things the player must
do before she can even attempt that final action.
As we explained in Chapter 2, “Emergence and Progression,” emergence and pro-
gression are not mutually exclusive categories. Many games have elements of both.
The player's experience benefits from game mechanics structures that create emer-
gent gameplay, but very long games also need progression features to create a sense
of purpose for the player and variety in the gameplay.
Structuring Progress
Players can get a sense of progress in a game in a variety of ways. In the next few
sections, we explore different kinds of progress.
PrOGress ThrOUGh cOmPLeTinG TasKs
As designers, we can define progress in a game in terms of the number of tasks the
player has completed. This assumes that the game has a victory condition and that
it is something a player can actually achieve. This type of progress is often repre-
sented as a percentage: “You have completed 75% of the game.” Many games also
offer optional tasks that players don't have to perform to win the game. In those
cases, the percentage of progress can be relative to the total number of tasks avail-
able, but the victory condition is set at less than 100% or is defined in terms of
specific tasks rather than numbers. For example, Grand Theft Auto III measures
progress in terms of many optional stunts and challenges, and the game lets you
continue to work on them even after you have nominally achieved victory. Many
classic adventure games such as the Kings Quest or Leisure Suit Larry series measure
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