Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
arms race
Players can invest resources to improve their offensive and defensive capabili-ties
against other players. Use arms race when:
n You want to create more strategic options for a game that uses the attrition pattern.
n You want to lengthen the playing time of your game.
Miscellaneous Patterns
The remaining patterns in our library don't fall into any other category, so we have
collected them here.
PLaYinG sTYLe reinFOrcemenT
By applying slow, positive, constructive feedback on player actions, the game gradu-
ally adapts to the player's preferred playing style. Use playing style reinforcement when:
n You want players to make a long-term investment in the game that spans mul-
tiple sessions.
n You want to reward players for building, planning ahead, and developing per-
sonal strategies.
n You want players to grow into a specific role or strategy.
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