Game Development Reference
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n Alternatively, a Machinations diagram can be in turn-based mode . In this mode,
time steps do not occur at regular intervals. Instead, a new time step occurs after the
player has executed a specified number of actions. This is implemented by assigning
a number of action points to each interactive node and allotting players a fixed bud-
get of action points each turn. After all the action points are used, all the automatic
nodes fire, and a new turn starts.
T IP if you set the time
mode to turn-based
in the machinations
Tool, the interval box is
replaced by an actions/
Turn box, in which you
can specify the number
of action points permit-
ted in a single turn. To
specify the number of
action points that an
interactive node con-
sumes when clicked,
select the node and
enter a value in the
actions box in the side
panel. You may also
enter a value of zero.
When all interactive
nodes cost no action
points, except a single
interactive node named
“end turn” (that has
no other effect), this
can be used to create
a game where players
can take any number
of actions until they
indicate that they are
resolVinG pullinG conFlicts
it might happen that two pools try to pull resources from the same source simultaneous-
ly. When there are not enough resources to serve both pools, this will lead to a conflict.
For example, in Figure 5.10 every time step pool B automatically pulls one resource from
a, both c and d attempt to pull one resource from B. This means that after one time step,
B will have one resource and c and d will both try to pull it. how this is resolved depends
on the time mode. in synchronous time mode, neither c nor d can pull the resource. after
two iterations when B has pulled a second resource, both c and d will pull one resource
from B. While the diagram runs, c and d will both pull a resource once every two time
steps simultaneously. as a starts with nine resources, after nine time steps c and d will
have four resources, and one resource will remain on B. The state of the diagram will
then no longer change.
in asynchronous or turn-based mode, either c or d will pull one resource. Which pool
has priority is initially random; subsequently, the priority alternates every time step. This
means that c and d will both pull one resource from B on alternating time steps, and
eventually there will be four resources on c and five on d, or vice versa.
FIGURe 5.10 how simultaneous pulls are handled in a
machinations diagram depends on the diagram's time mode.
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