Environmental Engineering Reference
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research avenues for the future. Here, just two areas are mentioned related to the release
of carbon from the massive pools stored in terrestrial ecosystems and implications for
global carbon cycling. First, with climate change affecting both temperature and water
availability there has been a great deal of interest in whether (how) dynamics of soil car-
bon pools might be affected. Overall, there is recognition that carbon mineralization is
almost certain to increase as soils warm, with the most dramatic effects in regions of thaw-
ing permafrost ( Dorrepaal et al. 2009; von Lutzow and Kogel-Knabner 2009 ). The precise
mechanism leading to higher respiration and implications for linked element cycles (nitro-
gen in particular) are perhaps less clear and with variable response strengths ( Groffman
et al. 2009; Chapin et al. 2009 ), but the fact of significant change seems inevitable.
Second, there are numerous reports that dissolved organic carbon export from terres-
trial ecosystems has recently increased ( Findlay 2005 ), and there is good evidence that this
DOC supports heterotrophic metabolism in many surface waters ( Roehm et al. 2009 ). The
exact mechanism driving this increase is still uncertain; a response of soils to reduced
acidic deposition has been put forward as one such mechanism ( Evans et al. 2008 ). In any
case, this increased flux of carbon must draw down terrestrial storage and represents a
potential for additional CO 2 release during transport in aquatic ecosystems. In essence,
any environmental change, whether small scale or global, has the potential to alter decom-
position of organic matter. Such effects will ramify throughout the ecosystem, affecting
trophic pathways and element cycling.
Acu ˜ a, V., Wolf, A., Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K., 2008. Temperature dependence of stream benthic respiration in
an Alpine river network under global warming. Freshw. Biol. 53, 2076
Aerts, R., De Caluwe, H., 1997. Nutritional and plant-mediated controls on leaf litter decomposition of Carex spe-
cies. Ecology 78, 244
Ardon, M., Stallcup, L.A., Pringle, C.M., 2006. Does leaf quality mediate the stimulation of leaf breakdown by
phosphorus in neotropical streams? Freshw. Biol. 51, 618
Arsuffi, T.L., Suberkropp, K., 1984. Leaf processing capabilities of aquatic hyphomycetes: Interspecific differences
and influence on shredder feeding preferences. Oikos 42, 144
Austin, A.T., Vivanco, L., 2006. Plant litter decomposition in a semi-arid ecosystem controlled by photodegrada-
tion. Nature 442, 555
Barlocher, F., 1982. The contribution of fungal enzymes to the digestion of leaves by Gammarus fossarum (Koch)
(Amphipoda). Oecologia 52, 1
Bartz, K.K., Naiman, R.J., 2005. Effects of salmon-borne nutrients on riparian soils and vegetation in southwest
Alaska. Ecosystems 8, 529
Bell, T., Newman, J.A., Silverman, B.W., Turner, S.L., Lilley, A.K., 2005. The contribution of species richness and
composition to bacterial services. Nature 436, 1157
Benfield, F., 2006. Decomposition of leaf material. In: Hauer, F.R., Lamberti, G.A. (Eds.), Methods in stream ecol-
ogy. Academic Press, New York, pp. 711
Benstead, J.P., Rosemond, A.D., Cross, W.F., Wallace, J.B., Eggert, S.L., Suberkropp, K., et al., 2009. Nutrient
enrichment alters storage and fluxes of detritus in a headwater stream ecosystem. Ecology 90, 2556
Berg, M.P., Bengtsson, J., 2007. Temporal and spatial variability in soil food web structure. Oikos 116, 1789
Boulton, A.J., Boon, P.I., 1991. A review of methodology used to measure leaf litter decomposition in lotic envir-
onments: Time to turn over an old leaf? Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42, 1
Canton, S.P., Martinson, R.J., 1990. The effect of varying current on weight loss from willow leaf packs. J. Freshw.
Ecol. 5, 413
Cebrian, J., 1999. Patterns in the fate of production in plant communities. Am. Nat. 154, 449
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