Biology Reference
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Microdomains Performing blue-native gel electrophoresis
￿ Prepare 6% and 15% resolving gel mixture according to Table 22.1 .
￿ Fill the tubing and 1 cm of cassette height with ddH 2 O.
￿ Fill the front reservoir of the gradient mixer with 2.8 mL of 6% gel mixture and
the rear reservoir with 2.3 mL of 15% gel mixture and then place the conical
insert into the rear reservoir.
￿ Fill the gel cassette by means of underlaying the gel under water using a
peristaltic pump at speed 9.
￿ After polymerization, wash gel surface with 1
gel buffer.
￿ Prepare 2.5 mL of 4% stacking gel mixture according to Table 22.1 , then insert
comb, and fill to the top with stacking gel mixture.
￿ After polymerization, remove comb and wash wells with 1 GB.
￿ Fill the wells with blue cathode buffer and underlay the samples into the wells
g protein per well).
￿ Place gel cassettes into the apparatus and fill upper and lower reservoir with blue
cathode buffer and anode buffer, respectively.
￿ Run for 15 min at 40 V and then at 80 V until the dye reaches 2/3 of the gel.
Replace the blue cathode buffer with cathode buffer and continue the
electrophoresis until the dye front reaches the end of the gel.
￿ Remove the gel from the plates and proceed with either (i) Western blotting, (ii)
2D gel electrophoresis, or (iii) silver staining ( Fig. 22.1 ).
m Analysis by Western blotting
￿ For Western blotting, place gels in Towbin semidry transfer buffer for 20 min on
a rocker.
￿ Place a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane in methanol for 1 min, rinse
three times with ddH 2 O, and then place in Towbin semidry transfer buffer for
20 min on a shaker.
Table 22.1 Preparation of Gradient Gels for Blue-Native Gel Electrophoresis
4% Stacking Gel
6% Resolving Gel
15% Resolving Gel
2.5 mL
5.0 mL
2.5 mL
5.0 mL
2.5 mL
5.0 mL
ddH 2 O
1.45 mL
2.87 mL
2.72 mL
5.44 mL
0.84 mL
1.68 mL
3 Gel buffer
0.82 mL
1.64 mL
1.65 mL
3.3 mL
1.65 mL
3.3 mL
0.2 mL
0.4 mL
0.6 mL
1.2 mL
1.5 mL
3.0 mL
1 mL
2 mL
30 m L
60 m L
30 m L
60 m L
5 m L
10 m L
3 m L
6 m L
2 m L
4 m L
2 m L
4 m L
Volumes listed are sufficient for 1 or 2 gels (i.e., 2.5 or 5.0 mL, respectively).
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