Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
n -Dodecyl
- D -maltoside (DDM)
Ammonium persulfate
ddH 2 O
b Equipment
Gradient former
Peristaltic pump
Gel electrophoresis apparatus Buffers and solutions
Gel buffer (1.5 M aminocaproic acid, 150 mM Bis-tris, pH 7.0).
￿ 19.68 g aminocaproic acid
￿ 3.14 g Bis-tris
￿ Up to 100 mL ddH 2 O
￿ Cathode buffer (15 mM Bis-tris, 50 mM tricine, pH 7.0).
￿ 3.14 g Bis-tris
￿ 8.96 g tricine
￿ Up to 1 L ddH 2 O
￿ Blue cathode buffer.
￿ 100 mL cathode buffer
￿ 0.02 g Serva Blue G
￿ Anode buffer (50 mM Bis-tris, pH 7.0).
￿ 20.93 g Bis-tris
￿ Up to 2 L ddH 2 O
￿ Acrylamide/bisacrylamide mix (48% acrylamide and 1.5% bisacrylamide
￿ 24.0 g acrylamide
￿ 0.75 g bisacrylamide
￿ Up to 50 mL ddH 2 O
￿ Membrane buffer.
0.5 mL 3
gel buffer
0.5 mL 2 M aminocaproic acid
L 500 mM EDTA
￿ SBG sample buffer (0.75 M aminocaproic acid, 5% Serva Blue G).
￿ 3.75 mL 2 M aminocaproic acid
￿ 0.5 g Serva Blue G
￿ Up to 10 mL ddH 2 O
2 M aminocaproic acid.
13.12 g aminocaproic acid
50 mL ddH 2 O
10% DDM (0.1 g/mL).
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