Biology Reference
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22.2.2 Method Silica coating
The purpose of this method is to encapsulate the cells in ludox, cross-link with PAA
to form a cast around the membrane, and then lyse the cells using a Dounce
10 6 cells).
￿ Count the cells of interest (use between 5 and 50
￿ Wash cells with PBS.
￿ Resuspend cells in 1 mL of PMCB.
￿ Add 5 mL of 5% ludox in a 50 mL conical tube.
￿ Aspirate the cells into a large syringe.
￿ Attach a 20-gauge needle and then add cells from syringe one drop at a time to the
ludox solution while manually swirling the tube.
￿ Add PMCB to a final volume of 20 mL.
￿ Centrifuge at 900
g for 3 min and then aspirate the supernatant. Appearance of
a “fluffy” pellet generally means that the cells are already being lysed or
dead. This is not desired.
￿ Wash twice with 20 mL PMCB.
￿ Resuspend in 1 mL of PMCB.
￿ Add the silica-coatedcells dropwise as describedpreviously to5 mLof the 1 mg/mL
PAA solution in a fresh 50 mL tube while swirling manually.
￿ Dilute by topping up to 20 mL PMCB.
￿ Centrifuge at 900
g for 3 min and then discard the supernatant.
￿ Resuspend in 2 mL of cold lysis buffer, put on ice for 30 min, and agitate
￿ Lyse cells in prechilled Dounce homogenizer using the loose-fitting pestle (ten
strokes) and then the tight-fitting pestle (three strokes).
￿ Check that cells have lysed using a light microscope. Fractionation
Now, the plasma membrane is very dense and can be isolated from internal mem-
branes and nuclear debris.
￿ Centrifuge silica membranes (900
g for 3 min).
￿ Remove fluid phase and transfer it to microfuge tubes. This contains internal
membranes and the cytosolic fraction.
￿ Spin the fluid phase at 20,000
g for 10 min at 4 C.
￿ The pellet is internal membranes and the new fluid phase is cytosol.
￿ Add a small amount of lysis buffer to the internal membranes, plus 4
buffer, then boil, and use for Western blotting.
￿ Take the cytosol phase and add 4
sample buffer, boil, and use for Western
￿ Resuspend the silica membranes in 11 mL of lysis buffer.
￿ Layer this onto 2 mL of 70% Histodenz in the ultracentrifuge tube.
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