Biology Reference
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11. Fine-tipped tweezers with clamping ring to plunge samples in cryogen (Dumont
tweezers, Biology clamp)
12. Rounded tweezers with insulator cover
13. Primary antibody at saturating concentration in PBS containing 0.1% BSA
14. Colloidal gold-coupled protein A (CMC Utrecht) or gold-coupled secondary
antibodies (Biocell or Aurion), gold diameter of 5 or 10 nm diluted in PBS
containing 0.1% BSA
15. Ethane for fast freezing of the sample
16. Liquid nitrogen for sample preparation and storage
17. Cryovials with cap (2 ml volume)
18. Thin metal rod and a spirit burner to prepare cryovials for frozen mice storage
19. Domestic bleach (sodium hypochlorite) for digestion of organic material
20. Triple-distilled water
21. Pasteur pipettes with bent, melted tip to transfer replicas during cleaning/
22. Copper EM bare grids (400 mesh hexagonal, Gilder G400HEX-C3)
23. Acetone to clean copper EM bare grids
24. 100% ethanol
25. Filter paper
1. Microcentrifuge
2. Spirit lamp
3. Dissecting seeker
4. Plunge-freezing unit ( Fig. 21.1 ) (KF-80, former Reichert-Jung)
5. Liquid nitrogen bench Dewar
6. Liquid nitrogen storage tank (optional)
7. Twin cold light source
8. Freeze-etching unit ( Fig. 21.2 ) (BAF 060; Bal-Tec)
9. Specimen tables for freeze fracturing, modified to accommodate mica
rectangles ( Fig. 21.3 ) (Bal-Tec, BU 02 098-T)
10. Bal-Tec specimen table loading device to insert specimen tables and split mica
sandwiches under liquid nitrogen ( Fig. 21.4 )
11. Porcelain spotting dishes ( Fig. 21.5 )
12. TEM, preferentially with camera with tiling option (e.g., TemCam-F416,
In Table 21.1 , the protocol is summarized and time estimates and points of possible
interruption are given.
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