Biology Reference
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15.7.2 Step 2: functionalize glass surface with epoxy silane Materials
GOPS, 3-glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxysilane (Aldrich 440167, Dow Z-6040)
Acetic acid, glacial (ACS grade, Fisher)
Ethanol, absolute (200 proof, USP grade)
Purified and filtered water (Milli-Q Synthesis, Millipore)
Steriflip-GP, 0.22
m polyethersulfone (PES) membrane (Millipore)
m Solutions and buffers
L acetic acid (1% final concentration, resulting pH
2.5 mL purified water (5% final concentration).
46 mL absolute ethanol (92% final concentration).
1 mL GOPS (aspirate from Sure/Seal bottle using 22-gauge needle and methanol-
cleaned and air-dried plastic syringe).
Mix on wheel for 15 min.
Filter and degas with Steriflip and use immediately. Procedure
￿ Load 20
L GOPS solution per well of the freshly cleaned 384-well glass-bottom
￿ Incubate 60 min at RT.
￿ Over a sink, shake off the GOPS solution from the wells.
￿ Spray the plate evenly with 70% ethanol to wash the wells. Shake off the liquid
into the sink and repeat this ethanol rinse three more times.
￿ Place a regular 384-well plate upside-down on the bench.
￿ Add two sheets of Whatman filter paper cut in 11
7.5 cm pieces.
￿ Place the ethanol washed plate upside-down onto the filter papers.
￿ Load this sandwich in a microplate swinging bucket and balance the rotor.
￿ Centrifuge 5 min at 500
g .
￿ Remove plate from stack and cover it with its lid.
￿ Transfer plate in the vacuum chamber of a SpeedVac and keep it overnight under
high vacuum of a dual-stage oil pump (less than 0.05 Torr/6.7 Pa pressure).
￿ The silanized plate should be used within a day but may be stored in a sealed
plastic bag for a few weeks.
15.7.3 Step 3: immobilization of biotinylated-bovine serum albumin Materials
Biotin-LC-BSA (Pierce 29130, nominal 25 mg, 8 biotin/BSA)
Purified and filtered water (Milli-Q Synthesis, Millipore)
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate (Sigma B9876, MW ¼ 381.4 g/mol)
Tris base (Trizma base, Sigma 93362 , MW
121.14 g/mol)
BSA, fatty acid-free (Sigma A8606)
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