Biology Reference
In-Depth Information Prepare samples of the SpAAC for time-series analysis
￿ Perform the reaction under the same condition as described in Section 15.4.1 . The
starting mixture consists of 100
L resin and 200
L reaction buffer (a total
￿ At different time points, take out 30
volume of 300
L of the resin/buffer mixture and add it into
0.4 mL of precooled reaction/wash buffer in a clean 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube
to quench the reaction. Centrifuge the resin to remove the labeling reagents.
￿ Wash the resin once with 0.4 mL of reaction/wash buffer (30 min).
￿ Elute the labeled rhodopsin using the elution buffer containing the C9 peptide
L elution buffer
2). In-gel fluorescence
The in-gel fluorescence experiment is carried out in the same way as described in
Section . Lacking the knowledge for the exact concentrations of time-series
samples, we load 10
L eluate to the SDS-PAGE gel for each time point. Wash the
gel briefly before scanning it on a Typhoon 9400 fluorescence scanner.
m Silver staining
￿ After acquiring the in-gel fluorescence image, immediately soak the SDS-PAGE
gel with the fixation buffer for at least 1 h with two or three buffer changes
or overnight to fix the gel.
￿ Wash the gel thoroughly washed with ultrapure water for over 1 h with at least
three changes to remove all the acetic acid and methanol.
￿ Meanwhile, prepare the staining solution. Prepare Solution A (dissolve 0.4 g
silver nitrate in 2 mL of ultrapure water), and Solution B (add 0.7 mL of 30%
ammonium hydroxide to 10.5 mL of 0.36% sodium hydroxide solution).
Both solutions should be prepared fresh. Add Solution A dropwise into Solution
B under stirring to make the staining solution. The brown precipitate should
clear in several seconds. Add 37 mL ultrapure water to the silver-ammonia
complex solution to bring the total volume to 50 mL.
￿ Transfer the gel into a clean container, and stain with the staining solution under
gentle agitation.
￿ After 15 min, rinse the gel with ultrapure water to remove the residue staining
solution. Then remove the water and add freshly prepared developing buffer
(mix 0.5 mL of 1% citric acid with 50
L 38% formaldehyde, then add into 100 mL
water) to visualize the band. Collect the used staining solution in a waste bottle.
Monitor closely the development process to avoid overstaining. When the
background begins to turn yellowish, stop the reaction by rinsing the gel with 1%
acetic acid.
￿ Scan the gel on a regular image scanner to acquire the digital data.
m Data analysis
￿ Analyze the signal intensity of in-gel fluorescence and silver staining data using
ImageJ. As rhodopsin runs as a smear on the SDS-PAGE gel, the entire
region of the smear should be included when measuring the overall signal
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