Biology Reference
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up and down (along the z -axis) to get the plasma membrane positioned in the center
of the observation volume. Monitor the counts per molecule while making small ad-
justments, in 0.1
m steps, along the z -axis. Find the position in z corresponding to
the maximal counts per molecule, and then make a 10 by 10 s FCS recording from
that position. Save the data file and move to a different region of the coverslip, select
a new cell, and begin again. Each time, adjust the sample focus along the z-axis to
find the optimal positioning of the membrane in the observation volume. Make re-
cordings from at least 5 to 10 different cells. Repeat the process for the tagged re-
ceptors of interest and end the session with another control sample. Repeat the
process with freshly prepared cells on two additional test days.
10.2.4 Data analysis
Commercially available systems can be purchased with autocorrelation analysis soft-
ware. If using a homebuilt system, software such as Origin or MATLAB can be used. Diffusion coefficient
As the fluorescence-tagged receptors pass through the laser-illuminated observation
volume, the fluctuations in fluorescence intensity are recorded in real time by the
photon-counting detector, and a fluorescence intensity trace for the observation pe-
riod is generated ( Fig. 10.3 A). During the first two 10 s intervals of the 100 s FCS
recording time, photobleaching of the immobile fraction of plasma membrane recep-
tors occurs. For G-protein-coupled receptors, this typically represents 40-50% of the
receptor pool. Data analysis is performed on the mobile fraction of receptors mon-
itored in the third through tenth 10 s FCS recording intervals (runs 3-10). Autocor-
relation analysis of the fluorescence signal is performed as in Eq. (10.5) :
G t
where G (t) is the
of the change in fluorescence fluctuation intensity
(d F ) at some time point ( t ) and at a time interval later ( t
time average
t) divided by the square of
the average fluorescence intensity. Autocorrelation analysis of the fluorescence in-
tensity trace is performed using a nonlinear least-squares fitting routine that graph-
ically represents the autocorrelation function G (t) on the ordinate and diffusion time
on the abscissa ( Fig. 10.3 B).
The rate at which the fluorescence-tagged receptor diffuses within the plasma
membrane is reported as the average dwell time (t D ) within the observation volume
and is calculated from the midpoint of the autocorrelation decay curve. For autocor-
relation analysis, select a 2Dmodel for plasma membrane receptors or a 3Dmodel for
cytosolic receptors. Most autocorrelation curves will have a minimum of two com-
ponents, a very fast component (
1 ms) related to the photophysical properties of the
fluorescent probe, and a slower component representing the diffusion of the
fluorescence-tagged receptor. Begin by fitting the data to a two-component model.
The examples shown in Fig. 10.3 B are best fit by a two-component, 2D model with
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