Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 8.5 (a, b) Fluorescence confocal microscopy of hierarchical cocultured cell
beads. (a) Collagen gel beads encapsulating HepG2 cells (red) and seeded with 3T3
cells (green) after 17 h of incubation. 41 (b) Self-assembling peptide beads containing
endothelial cells (red) and 3T3 cells (green) after 2 days of culture. 54 (c) Fluorescent
confluent cell layer. 55 (d) Image of the modular construct, including the microporous
body. 55 (e) Schematic suggesting assembly of cell-laden hydrogel blocks in oil. Mechanical
agitation applied using a pipette tip and secondary cross-linking form diverse shapes of gel
assemblies: random, branched, linear, and offset. 56 (f, g) Images of the lock-and-key-shaped
gel assembly containing three rods per cross. Cross-shaped gel and rod-shaped gel
encapsulates red-labeled and green-labeled 3T3 cells, respectively. Scale bars,
200 m m. 56 (h) Schematic diagrams of the assembly of cell-laden hydrogel blocks to
form lined-shaped cell structures in a microfluidic device. 57 (i) Image of the line-shaped
cell structure consisting of three differently labeled cells. 57 (j)Scanningelectronmicro-
scope image of the microtrain. 58 (k) Guided movement of microtrain along a reentrant
rail. 58 (l) Image of the Eiffel Tower assembly produced by the guided assembly method. 58
(m) Image of the rail-guided assembly including two different types of living cells. Green
and red indicate HeLa and HEK293 cells, respectively. 58 (c, d) Copyright 2006 National
Academy of Science, (e-g) copyright 2008 National Academy of Science, (h, i) copyright
2008 Royal Society of Chemistry, (j-m) copyright 2008 Nature Publishing Group.
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