Travel Reference
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Top 10
Munich Characters
! Julius Thannhauser
Carnival entertainer
(1860-1921), whose fame
reached far beyond Munich.
@ Elise Aulinger
Popular actress (1881-
1965), a pioneer of radio
programming and creator of
the Ratschkathl character.
£ Hans Blädel
Trained as a shoemaker,
he became a popular comedic
music virtuoso (1871-1937).
Statue of Roider Jackl, Viktualienmarkt
$ Minna Reverelli
& Second-Hand &
Born Hermina Knapp
(1892-1941), Minna was the
Queen of Yodeling at Platzl.
% Ratschkathl
Flea Markets
Perfect for rummaging and
strolling are the giant flea market
on the Theresienwiese in April
and the largest open-air flea mar-
ket in Bavaria, on the grounds of
the Neue Messe (Alfons-Goppel-
Straße 3). d
* Second-Hand Stores
Cabaret artiste Ida Schu-
macher (1894-1956) was the
best Ratschkathl . She created
the tram-track-crack-cleaning-
lady character.
^ Roider Jackl
A farmer's son (1906-75)
famous for his spirited per-
formances of Gstanzln - satiri-
cal rhymes set to music - and
a master of barbed humour.
& Blasius
Perhaps a sign of the times,
second-hand has gone main-
stream, and “vintage” stores
are springing up overnight.
d Städtisches Gebrauchtwarenhaus,
Sachsenstr. 25 • Diakonia Gebraucht-
Warenhaus, Landshuter Allee 38, Map D3
• List of stores:
Pseudonym of Sigi (Sieg-
fried) Sommer (1914-96),
author of a popular column in
the Münchner Abendzeitung .
* Bally Prell
( Weihnachtsmärkte
Decked out in colourful
costumes, she recited rhymes
to delighted fans (1922-82).
Christmas markets are a long-
standing and charming tradition
here. The largest is held on
Marienplatz, while those located
in Schwabing and Haidhausen
offer the best atmosphere. d
Marienplatz, Map L4 • Münchner Freiheit,
Map G2 • Weißenburger Platz, Map P6
( Walter Sedlmayr
A home-grown talent and
local favourite (1926-90), he
was a successful stage actor
and adman for Paulaner beer.
) Helmut Fischer
Munich actor (1926-97),
best remembered for his role
as Monaco-Franze in the TV
series of the same name.
) Magdalenenfest
Fair and market around the
feast of St Mary Magdalene in
July. d Hirschgarten • Map B4
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