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get refreshed at sufficient rates. Our model of input paths enables us to gain further
insights into the result staleness problem. We observe that each input path contains one
or more of these staleness susceptible states . Moreover, each susceptible state, say S CD ,
may receive input from multiple paths. For example, S CD gets input from (c
S D )and
S CD ). Thus, staleness suscepti-
ble states may be refreshed synchronously by allocating resources to the paths covering
those states. The freshness predicates can be satisfied by fulfilling the corresponding
refresh rates of a half-way join (Def. 5) of each staleness susceptible state ,i.e,ifthe
input rate
S C ). Also S CDE gets input from (cd
S E )and(e
λ j (
λ j for leaf) at each half-way join exceeds the desired R S j .
Definition 5. The refresh rate R S j of a state S j , denotes the minimum number of new
tuples required to be inserted per time unit into state S j to prevent it from becoming
stale. A staleness susceptible state S j is said to be covered if its refresh rate R S j is
Given the foundation, in Problem 2 we translate the freshness satisfiability problem into
a weighted multiple set cover problem (WMSCP) [18] over the staleness susceptible
states . Given the set of all staleness susceptible states and the input paths that include
those states, the goal is to identify the set of paths, called the minimal coverage paths ,
that cover all the staleness susceptible states utilizing the minimum computing resources
out of the total
resources. The remaining (
) resources are used by GrePP
for throughput optimization. In Fig. 9.a, Path A
and Path C
are such minimal coverage
paths covering all staleness susceptible states in
4 .
Problem 2. Coverage of staleness susceptible states as a weighted multiple set cover
problem (WMSCP): The Universe U consists of m staleness susceptible states = S 1 ,
S 2 ,...,S m with required refresh rates = R S 1 ,R S 2 ,...,R S m , respectively. The k input paths
P=Path 1 ,Path 2 ,..., Path k
3 and
Pa th I
cover all the staleness susceptible states where
= U such that each path Path I
has a positive real cost (resources used) X I . If a n-hop
Pa th I
contains state S j , then the resources used for S j in Path I
are denoted as X j ,such
that for the n states of Path I
1 X j =X I .
A k-tuple M = M 1 ,M 2 ,...,M k constitutes a multiple cover for U in which the number
of times state S j is covered is defined to be the sum of M I 's for those Path I 's which
contain S j . Total weight of the multiple cover is defined as
1 X I
M I . WMSCP seeks
the minimum weight multiple cover for U such that every state S j is covered for at least
its refresh rate R S j . By defining b j
Pa th I
to be 1 if S j
and 0 otherwise, we can now
write our WMSCP problem as:
1 X I
Δμ =
subject to:
1 b j ×
X j ×
R S j ,
j = 1,2,...,m
Complexity and Optimality Analysis. WMSCP is strongly NP-Hard and the cost of
an optimal solution may be too high for our dynamically scenario. Thus, we use a
greedy algorithm called GH-WMSCP [18]. We use GH-WMSCP to satisfy the refresh
rates and in turn to fulfil freshness predicates. The time complexity TC(GH-WMSCP)
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