Database Reference
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Fig. 4. Evalua
ation times for the indirect and the direct approach
Fig. 5 shows a simulatio
sender's side and then tran
indirect and the direct app
approach consists of SQL/
schema and the compresse
the direct approach consists
tion + transfer time of sch
tu consumed for the uncom
time of the uncompressed d
up for all documents. Fig. 5
on of a scenario, where the query result is computed on
nsferred to a receiver. Fig. 5 shows the total time for
proach. Here, the total time ti, consumed for the indir
/XML query evaluation + compression + transfer time
ed document. Furthermore, the total time td consumed
s of schema generation + SQL query generation + eval
hema and the compressed document. Finally, the total ti
mpressed approach consists of query evaluation + tran
document. The times retrieved for all queries are summ
5 shows the values ti/tu and td/tu.
e of
Fig. 5. Total time (computatio
approach in comparison to unc
on plus transfer) consumed by the direct approach and the indi
compressed transfer of the results for different data rates
While the indirect appro
data transfer rates, the dire
that the uncompressed appr
oach only outperforms the uncompressed approach for l
ect approach constantly needs only about 10% of the ti
roach needs.
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