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from a and that b occurs in d ( c ). D is recursive if there are labels a, b in D such
that a is reachable from b and b is reachable from a .
A location step is of the form ax :: lb ,where(i) ax is either
(the child axis),
(the descendant-or-self axis),
(the ancestor-or-self axis),
(the parent axis),
+ (the preceding-sibling axis), and (ii) lb
is a label. A query is of the form /ls 1 /ls 2 ···/ls n ,where ls i
+ (the following-sibling axis), or
is a location step.
For example, query /↓ :: a/→
+ :: b/c stands for
/ descendant-or-self :: a/ following-sibling :: b/ child :: c.
Let XP be the set of queries. We denote a fragment of XP by listing the axes
supported by the fragment. For example, XP {↓,↓ } denotes the set of queries
using only child and descendant-or-self axes.
Let t be a tree and q be a query. We say that t satisfies q if the answer of q
on t is nonempty. If there is a tree t such that t is valid against a DTD D and
that t satisfies q ,then q is satisfiable under D . For an XPath fragment XP S ,
the XPath satisfiability problem for XP S , denoted SAT(XP S ), is to decide, for a
DTD D and a query q ∈
XP S ,if q is satisfiable under D .
3NP-Comp en s
In this section, we consider the complexity of SAT(XP {↑,↓} ) under fixed DTDs. It
is shown that SAT(XP {↑,↓} ) is NP-complete under fixed DTDs if a wildcard is al-
lowed as a node test (Theorem 6.6 of Ref. [1]). It is also shown that SAT(XP {↑,↓} )
is NP-complete under unfixed DTDs assuming that only a label is allowed as a
node test (Theorem 1 of Ref. [10]). In this section, we show a slightly more strong
result; SAT(XP {↑,↓} ) is NP-complete under fixed DTDs even if only a label is
allowed as a node test. This implies that the XPath satisfiability problem is still
intractable under a very restricted setting.
Theorem 1. SAT(XP {↑,↓} ) is NP-complete under fixed DTDs, even if only a
label is allowed as a node test.
Proof. For a query q ,aDTD D ,andatree t valid against D , it is clear that
whether the answer of q on t is nonempty can be checked in polynomial time.
Thus SAT(XP {↑,↓} )isinNP.
To show the NP-hardness of the problem, we reduce 3SAT to this problem,
similarly to Theorem 6.6 of Ref. [1]. However, our reduction is much more com-
plicated since no wildcard node test is allowed. Let φ = C 1 ∧···∧C n be an
instance of 3SAT, where C 1 , ··· ,C n are clauses. Let x 1 , ··· ,x m be the variables
in φ . Without loss of generality, we assume that for any variable x i , positive
literal x i
¬x i do not appear in the same clause. From this
instance, we construct an instance of the XPath satisfiability problem under
fixed DTDs, as follows.
and negative literal
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