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3 Parallel Updates on
n the Compressed Data
3.1 Basic Update Concep
pts and Parallel Update Problem Definition
The grammar DAG (GD
terminal position within wh
grammar DAG (GD), there
edge (N 1 ,I,N 2 ) from node N
rule G2 within the gramm
outgoing edge of N 1 refers
hand side of G1. For examp
D): The grammar DAG (GD) visualizes from which n
hich grammar rule other grammar rules are called. In
e is one node Ni for each grammar rule Gi, and there is
N 1 to node N 2 for each occurrence of a call of the gramm
mar rule G1, such that (counted from left to right) the
to N 2 , if G2 is the I th non-terminal occurring in the rig
ple, the GD of Grammar 3 is shown in Figure 3.
e I th
3. Grammar DAG (GD) of Grammar 3
Each prefix P of a g
corresponds to one path in
updates on G.
For any given current c
following elementary upda
complex update operation
operations: delete ccn (de
SubTree as first-child of cc
rammar path GP=[P:t] through the given grammar
the GD. Based on this observation, we use GD for para
r G
context node ccn of the XML document, we simulate
ate operations on the compressed grammar G, as m
ns can be constructed from these elementary upd
el), re-label ccn with the new label y (reLTo(y)), in
n (newFC(SubTree)), insert SubTree as next-sibling of
The Update Path (UP): Fo
newFC(SubTree), newNS(S
document node being repre
define a corresponding upda
The update path contains a
we represent edges in the u
edge (N k ',t,U) from the copy
the terminal symbol in the
operation U shall be applied
update operation U applied t
For example, let the up
//h//b to z. Then, we get
or each elementary update operation U
{ reLTo(z), del
SubTree)) } that is applied to a single selected XM
sented by a grammar path GP=[N 1 ,I 1 ,…,N k-1 ,I k-1 ,N k : t],
ate path UP = [ (N 1 ',I 1 ,N 2 '), …, (N k-1 ',I k-1 ',N k ') , (N k ',t,U
new copy N i ' of each grammar path node Ni. Furthermo
update path as triples (Start,Index,End). Finally, we add
y N k ' of the last non-terminal N k with the index position
e grammar rule represented by N k ' to which the upd
d. As a result, the final node of the update path contains
to the t th terminal of N k '.
pdate operations be re-labeling all the nodes selected
the update paths [ (S',2,HGE(X)'), (HGE(X)',1,JB(X
U) ] .
d an
t of
d by
(JB(X)'',2,reLTo(z)) ].
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