Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Metadata Collector
Over-the-Air Programmer
Query Execution Plan
Fig. 4. Node Images in Flash Memory
Fig. 5. Lifecycle Steps
deployment. The lifecycle of a query involves the steps depicted in Fig. 5 and
described below:
Metadata Collection. Nodes run the Metadata Collector program which gen-
erates a description of the WSN topology (e.g., expected energy transmission
energy between nodes, based on average package loss) for use by the SNEE
compiler. This program is based on the Collection Tree Protocol 3 ,andworks
by sending routing table entries of each node to the gateway. When this com-
pletes, the nodes reboot into the Over-the-Air Programmer (OTAP).
Query Compilation. The user poses a query and Quality-of-Service expec-
tations, which is compiled using the SNEE Query Compiler intoaquery
execution plan based on the metadata that was collected in the previous
step. Query compilation is described in detail in [GBG + 11].
Code Generation/Compilation. The Sensor Network Connectivity Bridge
translates the query execution plan into a nesC program for each node, each
of which is compiled into a binary image.
3 This is an implementation of the tree formation protocol described in .
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