Database Reference
In-Depth Information
for $a in
doc(” http : / / WISIRISFuzzySearch / License .xml”)/ agreement ,
$b i n SPARQLQuery ( ” SELECT ? Av a i l a b i l i t y ? ExecutionTime
http ://www.w3. org/2001/sub#avail
?Availability .
http ://www.w3. org/2001/sub#QoS
?ExecutionTime ”
, http : / / WISIRISFuzzySearch /QoS. rdf )/ result
< Requirement >{ $a/ requirement }< /Requirement >
$a/ title
$b/ availability
$b/ ExecutionTime
< /Result >
Fig. 2. A Sample query in extended XQuery - generated from the Mashup visual interface [3]
choose between two different views of the XML result: either in tree form (as shown in
Figure 1) or in table form (by choosing the “list view” option in the right panel).
4Con lu ion
We provide a database oriented mashup tool for integrating heterogeneous data sources
with a visual interface which allows for an easy definition of complex data mashups.
This tool can be used as plug-in for web applications to generate powerful and efficient
data integration mashups.
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2. Vancea, A., Grossniklaus, M., Norrie, M.C.: Database-driven web mashups. In: Proc. ICWE,
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3. Ali, M.I., Pichler, R., Truong, H.L., Dustdar, S.: DeXIN: An extensible framework for dis-
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4. Lorenzo, G.D., Hacid, H., Paik, H.-Y., Benatallah, B.: Data integration in mashups. SIGMOD
Record 38(1), 59-66 (2009)
5. Jarrar, M., Dikaiakos, M.D.: Querying the data web: The MashQL approach. IEEE Internet
Computing 14(3), 58-67 (2010)
6. Morbidoni, C., Tummarello, G., Polleres, A.: Who the FOAF knows Alice? a needed
step toward semantic web pipes. In: Proc. SWAP. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 314. (2008)
7. Li Xiang, J.F.B., Gennari, J.H.: XGI: A graphical interface for XQuery creation. In: Proc.
AMIA Symposium 2007, pp. 453-457. American Medical Informatics Association (2007)
8. Russell, A., Smart, P.R.: NITELIGHT: A graphical editor for SPARQL queries. In: Interna-
tional Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 401. (2008)
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