Graphics Reference
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CT 1 = 000 1 110 0
Figure 5.15. The census transform of example
3 blocks. The bit string is computed clockwise
starting from the upper left corner, recording a
1 if the pixel is brighter than the center pixel
and 0 if it is darker. The distance between blocks
is computed as the Hamming distance between
the corresponding bit strings (in this case, 2).
120 150
C CT = 2
CT 2 = 000 0 110 1
130 170
Zabih and Woodfill [ 567 ] proposed an alternate block-matching scheme based
on the census transform , which turns a block into a binary bit string that defines
whether each pixel in the block is brighter (1) or darker (0) than the pixel at the
center. Figure 5.15 illustrates the idea with a 3
3 block. If CT i
x , y
denotes the
in image I i into a length N 2
census transformation of a N
N block around
x , y
bit string, then
x 0 , y 0 , d
) =
CT 2
d , y
) =
CT 1
x , y
x , y
) W
That is, we sum the Hamming distances between corresponding bit strings over the
window to arrive at the final cost. Hirschmüller and Scharstein [ 200 ] investigated
a large set of proposed stereo matching costs and concluded that methods based
on the census transform performed extremely well and were robust to photometric
differences between images.
Block-matching stereomethods in which each pixel independently determines its
disparity — known as winner-take-all approaches — are clearly suboptimal com-
pared to methods that simultaneously determine all the disparities according to
some global criterion. Using overlapping blocks implicitly encourages some degree
of coherence between disparities at neighboring pixels (or smoothness, in the ter-
minology of optical flow). However, disparity maps determined in this way typically
exhibit artifacts both within and across scanlines and don't produce high-quality
dense correspondence. These artifacts include poor performance in flat, constant-
intensity image regions where local methods have no way to determine the correct
match due to the aperture problem, as well as near object boundaries where blocks
overlap regions with significantly different disparities. In addition, multiple matches
may occur between different pixels in I 1 and the same pixel in I 2 .
A better idea is an algorithm that enforces global optimality of the estimated dis-
parity along each pair of scanlines. One of the earliest approaches, proposed by Ohta
and Kanade [ 352 ], used dynamic programming to find the globally optimal cor-
respondence between a scanline pair, using detected edges in each scanline as a
guide to build a piecewise-linear disparity map. Figure 5.16 illustrates the idea. The
disparities d
x , y
for an entire row (i.e., fixed y ) are selected to minimize
x , y , d
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