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of a high-dimensional candidate descriptor against a large library (e.g., for wide-
baseline matching) should take advantage of an approximate nearest-neighbor
search algorithm for computational efficiency (e.g., Beis and Lowe's best-bin-first
search [ 36 ]).
Show that the Harris matrix for any positive set of weights must be positive
semidefinite. That is, show that b Hb
2 .
0 for any b
∈ R
4.2 Consider the N
N patch in Figure 4.24 a, where the slanted line passes
through the center of the patch at an angle of
θ from the positive x axis,
and the intensity is 1 above the line and 0 below the line. Estimate the
eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Harris matrix for the pixel in the center
of the patch (assuming w
x , y
is an ideal box filter encompassing the whole
Figure 4.24. (a) A binary N × N patch. (b) A binary image, with two potential feature locations.
4.3 Consider the image in Figure 4.24 b. Will the Harris measure using an ideal
box filter give a higher response at point A (centered on a corner) or at point
B (further inside a corner)? Think carefully about the gradients in the dotted
4.4 Write theHarrismeasure C inEquation ( 4.4 ) as a function of the eigenvalues
of H .
4.5 Show that if one eigenvalue of the Harris matrix is 0 and the other is very
large, the Harris measure C is negative.
4.6 Explain why the Gaussian derivative filters in Equation ( 4.6 ) act as gradient
operators on the original image.
4.7 Show that minimizing Equation ( 4.11 ) leads to Equation ( 4.12 ).
4.8 Determine the generalization of Equation ( 4.12 ) that corresponds to the
affine deformation model of Equation ( 4.14 ).
Sketch a simple example of an image location that would fail the Harris
corner test at a small scale but pass it at a larger scale.
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