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These complex filters are similar to the derivatives of a Gaussian. For example, for
6, we obtain a descriptor of length 15. Again, this approach avoids the need
to explicitly estimate the dominant gradient orientation.
Other Approaches
Here, we briefly mention a few notable descriptors that don't fit into any of the
previously outlined main categories. Steerable Filters
Steerable filters are used to efficiently apply a desired filter (for example, the n th
derivative of a Gaussian) with respect to a desired angle. Freeman and Adelson [ 153 ]
showed that many such arbitrarily angled filters could be easily computed as the sum
of responses to a small number of basis filters at canonical orientations. Mikolajczyk
and Schmid [ 325 ] proposed to apply a filter bank of Gaussian derivatives with respect
to the angle given by the dominant gradient orientation at a patch, using the vector
of responses as a descriptor. The response vector is rotationally invariant assuming
the estimation of the dominant gradient orientation is correct. SURF
Bay et al. [ 33 ] proposed a simplified descriptor inspired by SIFT called SURF (for
Speeded-Up Robust Features). As in SIFT, the oriented square at a feature's detected
scale is split into a 4
4 square grid. However, instead of computing gradient orien-
tation histograms in each subregion, Haar wavelet responses at twenty-five points
in each subregion are computed. The sums of the original and absolute responses
in the x and y directions are computed in each subregion, yielding a 4
64-dimensional descriptor. Since Haar wavelets are basically box filters, the SURF
descriptor can be computed very quickly.
The SIFT descriptor is extremely popular, and is most frequently used as Lowe origi-
nally described it, that is, a 128-dimensional vector. However, it's natural to question
whether all 128 dimensions of the descriptor are necessary and should receive equal
weight in matching. Ke and Sukthankar [ 235 ] partially addressed this question using
a dimensionality reduction step based on principal component analysis (PCA). The
technique is generally known as PCA-SIFT , but this is a misnomer; the principal
component analysis is not performed directly on SIFT descriptor vectors, but on
the raw gradients of a scale- and rotation-normalized patch. More precisely, they
collected a large number of DoG keypoints and constructed 41
41 patches at the
estimated scale and orientation of each keypoint. The x and y gradients at the interior
pixels of each patch were collected into a 39
3042-dimensional vector,
and PCA was applied to determine a much smaller number of basis vectors (e.g.,
twenty or thirty-six). Thus, the high-dimensional vector of gradients for a candidate
feature is represented by a low-dimensional descriptor given by its projection onto
the learned basis vectors. Nearest-neighbor matching was then carried out on these
lower-dimensional descriptor vectors.
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