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Fig. 5.5 Impact of P S
Social Optimal
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Probability of Social Edge
Erdos-Renyi Model Based Social Graph
We simulate the social graph based on the Erdos-Renyi (ER) graph model [ 16 ], where
a social edge exists between any two users with probability P S . We assume that the
level of a social tie i s 1 if it exists. We set the default values of parameters as follows:
10, P S =
0 . 5, C
3. For each set of parameter values, we average the results
over 1000 runs.
We illustrate the impact of P S , C , and N on the normalized social welfare in
Figs. 5.5 , 5.6 , and 5.7 , respectively. We observe from these figures that socially-
aw ar e users significantly outperforms socially-oblivious users, especially when P S
or C is large, or N is small. This is due to that more users participate in pseudonym
change when they are socially-aware, which improves the social welfare. On the
other hand, the social welfare of socially-aware users is close to the optimal social
welfare. Figure 5.5 shows that the performance of socially-aware users improves
when P S increases, with a performance gain up to 20 % over socially-oblivious
users and a performance gap about 10 % on average from the optimal social wel-
fare. This is due to that stronger social ties further encourage users to participate.
Figures 5.6 and 5.7 show that the performance gap of socially-oblivious users com-
pa re d to socially-aware users and the optimal social welfare, respectively, decreases
as C or N increases. This is because that, with a lower participation cost or higher
privacy gain of participation due to the increase of total user number, more users
would participate even when they are socially-oblivious. Therefore, the performance
gap reduces as it depends on the users that participate only when they are socially-
aware. We plot the number of iterations for running Algorithm 2 versus N in Fig. 5.8 .
We observe that the computational complexity increases almost quadratically as the
user number increases. This shows that our algorithm is scalable for a large number
of users.
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